“Safe to eat raw” seal
They’re the same recipes fans have loved for years, but by refining processes and ingredients – heat-treated flour and pasteurized eggs – families can now enjoy before or after baking.
Favorites, like Pillsbury’s Ready to Bake!™ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Place & Bake™ Brownie Dough and more, now have the Pillsbury “safe to eat raw” seal on packaging and are available at grocery retailers nationwide.
“We’re excited to offer families (and cookie lovers) tasty, affordable and dual-purpose cookie and brownie dough that’s both edible raw or baked,” said Tiffany Seelen, brand experience senior manager at Pillsbury. “In addition to making baking memories, families can now enjoy the mischief of stealing tasty bites of raw cookie or brownie dough as a spur-of-the-moment treat."
To celebrate the news, Pillsbury launched a campaign based on the fundamental parenting truth – it feels good to say ‘yes!’ Being a parent requires a lot of ‘no’s’ and ‘yes’ opens doors to possibilities and opportunities for family togetherness and fun.
Pillsbury wants to give parents the permission to say ‘yes’ to life’s little pleasures, like eating Pillsbury’s cookie and brownie dough raw (or baked).

Pillsbury is partnering with Haylie Duff, actress and mom of two, to encourage parents to have fun surprising their kids in a #SayYesChallenge.
Now through August 16, parents can record their kids’ reactions to finally being told ‘yes’ to eating raw cookie or brownie dough. For a chance to be featured on Pillsbury’s Facebook and Instagram, you can submit video clips on social using #SayYesChallenge and tagging @Pillsbury.
For more Pillsbury inspiration and recipes, visit Pillsbury.com.